Defensive Tactics
We Teach You How to Protect yourself and your family
Best Defense Concepts is available to provide your group, organization or company with a seminar that will be tailored specifically to your needs. Seminars can range in length from one hour to all day, can be conducted in most office spaces without the need for special mats or equipment, and can include a wide array of topics, including:
1) Situational Awareness and De-Escalation
2) Joint locks, control holds and pressure point techniques
3) Key strikes to the most vulnerable parts of the body
4) Concepts for defending against common street attacks
5) Learning defenses against weapon-based attacks
6) Using improvised weapons (flashlight, pen, magazine, or key) to defend yourself
7) Defending from the ground
8) How to use (and choose) pepper spray (spray, foam or gel)
9) Defending yourself with a cane, knife or stick
Contact Peter today to discuss how he can work with your group to provide a fun and educational seminar that will provide them with the tools to keep themselves safe.
What We Teach
Basic Self-Defense Law
Defensive Hand Position
Restraint and Control Techniques
Defending Against Weapons